30 Plus Whales Today
Although we had a slow start to the whale cruise by the time we were heading home we had seen over 30 young humpbacks whales. At one...

Early Southern Right Whale
June 4th Whale Report. Several small humpbacks scattered around King George Sound. This picture was of 1 of those young whales that had...

2018 Season Starts
The 2018 Whale watching season has kicked off with a bang. Friday we found 1 young humpback out between the islands. Saturday we found...

Humpbacks spend time with us.
A picture says a thousand words.

Young Humpback chases dolphins around our vessel
Some days whales just want some company.

Update on "Motley Grey Humpback"
The following is the reply I received from Douglas Coughran one of Western Australia's leading whale experts. "The image you took of this...

Motley Young Humpback Whale
We found this whale cruising through King George Sound along with two larger humpbacks on Saturday 10th June. Looking at the photos now I...

Start of the Season
With fine weather on the south coast its been a good start to the whale watching season. Whales every day. Yesterday while watching a...

4th Calf for the Season
We head out and find 2 small Humpbacks, but they are pretty quiet and we can see splashes over towards Herald reef. We arrive to find 2...

Humpbacks Still Coming Through In Large Numbers
We find 2 small Humpbacks very close to the coast east of Limestone Head but have a whale, tail slapping north of us. We head to them and...