2 Cows & Calves Today
Every day is different whale watching and you just never know what you are going to find. Today after watching several pods of adult...

4th Calf for the Season
We head out and find 2 small Humpbacks, but they are pretty quiet and we can see splashes over towards Herald reef. We arrive to find 2...

Humpbacks Still Coming Through In Large Numbers
We find 2 small Humpbacks very close to the coast east of Limestone Head but have a whale, tail slapping north of us. We head to them and...

Two Great Days Whale Watching
FRIDAY. With showers heading our way we head from the Marina and as we cruise through Frenchman Bay we are limited with our visibility...

Some Days are Diamonds
A day off because of strong winds but every one is excited that we have calm weather today, even the rain is staying away. We head out...

Sighting Catch up
26 June - 3 Humpbacks & 1 Southern Right 27 June - Am - 3 Humpbacks Pm - 2 Humpbacks 28 June - Strong Winds - No Cruise 29 June - 15...

Whales in King George Sound
Strong SW winds can create problems, but we find 2 whales heading through the Mussel Lease on the Northern side of Mistaken Island 1...

Every Day Is Different
After a big day yesterday when every direction you looked in King George Sound you could see blows. Today they were a little harder to...

15 plus Whales Today
Its a sombre day today as we stand off as Albany Sea Rescue "Rescue 1" travels from Emu Point to the Albany Marina with Fred Bairstow...

9 Humpbacks for the Cruise
We head out and Peter Bell from Discovery Bay txt to say 5 whales had been seen in King George Sound. We cruise through Frenchman Bay but...