Whales in King George Sound
Strong SW winds can create problems, but we find 2 whales heading through the Mussel Lease on the Northern side of Mistaken Island 1...

Every Day Is Different
After a big day yesterday when every direction you looked in King George Sound you could see blows. Today they were a little harder to...

15 plus Whales Today
Its a sombre day today as we stand off as Albany Sea Rescue "Rescue 1" travels from Emu Point to the Albany Marina with Fred Bairstow...

9 Humpbacks for the Cruise
We head out and Peter Bell from Discovery Bay txt to say 5 whales had been seen in King George Sound. We cruise through Frenchman Bay but...
What am I doing Wrong?
We head out today with only 8 people on-board. And we are with 2 humpback whales within 30 minutes. The other whale watching boat in...

First Humpback Calf for 2016
We head to Frenchman Bay and find a very young whale. It is with a pod of about 15 dolphins. It swims around us several times and we...

8 Metre Humpback in Princess Royal Harbour
A very small Humpback cruised the shallow waters of princess Royal Harbour on Thursday. At times we watched on as it swam upside down in...
Strong SE Winds no good for Whale-Watching
With strong winds and heavy rain over night I didn't think our chances would be good for cruising today. I drove around Marine Drive to...
Humpbacks in PRH
Calm conditions greet us as we prepare the boat for today's cruise and Bernie comes down to tell us that 3 Humpbacks are entering...
1st Southern Right for 2016
WOW we cruise across a calm KGS and spot blows that look like those of a Southern Right whale. And with 18 years of watching whales has...